Saturday, September 6, 2008

Exiles On Wall Street

PartyEnds - Balls To The RNC

"In honor of the RNC ending last night, let’s listen to the Yuppie Pricks. Can someone please get these guys on The Colbert Report as the house band for a week?! Please? I think the heroes of America would really enjoy the astounding satire, and hell, even the huge crotch shot on the cover of their new album Balls.

If enough people buy this record, Sarah Palin will drop out of the vice presidential race and be replaced by Jeb Bush who will then take office after McCain dies giving the country another 4 years with a Bush in office. Nothing would make the Yuppie Pricks happier. Get your polo collars up, start buying low and selling high with these starter tracks. Once you are hooked, pick up Balls on Austin imprint Chicken Ranch Records."

Radio Exile - Yuppie Pricks Kick Ass

"I can’t be sure if I am supposed to take the following seriously, so I will put it out there for you all to decide instead. These guys rock pretty hard, so we wanted to posted the tasty tunes that accompanied what turned out to be the first ever “double you tee eff” moment this week!

Oh man, this is sorta sweet, but this is coming from the guy who thought Quit Your Dayjob were pretty rad. In hindsight, what I said there was right, however, I am prone to random moments of “badger the wife with silly song lyrics,” so this sort of works, you know?"

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